Resource Library

Nonprofit and Social Impact Resource Library

The following resources provide advice for job seekers, managers, search committees, and others based on decades of collaboration with nonprofit and social impact organizations. The materials include a range of topics, from networking and resume tips to overcoming founder’s syndrome and making the most out of reference checks.

Koya search consultants and career coaches often answer questions from candidates and job seekers—we wanted to share their answers with you in

Recruiting diverse candidate pools is a top challenge and priority for most organizations. But many organizations fail to take some basic steps

Reference checks are often a last minute, rushed step in the hiring process. Many hiring managers think of them as less than

We all know that networking is a key building block for professional advancement. But with the competing demands of personal and professional

Hiring a successful fundraiser is a challenge many nonprofits face. Fundraising positions can remain vacant for months or years. In fact, the