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Women in Leadership: Q&A with Judith M. von Seldeneck

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we sat down with Judith M. von Seldeneck, Founder and Chair of Diversified Search Group, to learn about the best advice she received from a mentor, what she would tell her younger self, and an important skill every woman in executive search should have. Read her inspirational answers below:

Tell us about a woman that inspires you and why?

What do you wish you could tell your younger self?
Learn how to delegate sooner rather than later. Figure out accountability that works, so you maintain quality and credibility in all that you do.

What is the best career advice you’ve ever received?
Trust your gut.

What advice would you give to women in your field?
You need to be a big biller and at the same time learn how to be a well-liked calibrator, teambuilder, and person who really cares about others.

What advice did you receive from a mentor during your career?
When I talked too much at the first meeting of my first public company board, my friend Helen Wilson who was a Director, came up to me after the meeting and said in no uncertain terms, “down fido,” meaning stop talking so much.

What does Women’s History Month mean to you?
It reminds me that women have been and continue to be a force to be dealt with on all fronts if we are to achieve a more perfect union.