Industry Expertise

Agribusiness Executive Search

Cultivating leadership talent to deliver higher yields

Feeding a growing world and soon a record population calls for innovative, purpose-driven leaders. It requires the vision to anticipate disruption and the agility to cope with accelerating global complexity and to thrive. Global agribusiness is constantly challenged. Sustainability, food waste and nutrition are major issues; they also pose exciting opportunities for growth and innovation.

Our Agribusiness & Food Practice offers decades of experience partnering with organizations across the agricultural value chain. We recognize the voice of the consumer in what they eat and how they shop are louder than ever, transformational technologies being applied at every level of the supply chain, the influx of new investors investing unprecedented levels of capital into the industry and sustainability is a given. We understand the industry’s magnitude and impact of these trends. Forward thinking, agile leadership talent that will stay abreast of critical shifts is vital.

The top priority of any business must be to attract, retain and develop leadership talent. Our Agribusiness & Food Practice is primed to help businesses do just that. Diversified Search Group has a breadth of experience conducting senior executive and board-level searches within the agribusiness industry. Our team-based approach is both strategic and consultative: we are engaged in the industry and cutting-edge leadership. We invest the time to understand your business, priorities, and goals, and we synthesize our knowledge of your needs with our unique networks into a diverse slate of competent, innovative, and transformative leaders. Much as a gardener reaps what is sowed, so are businesses rewarded with returns on the leadership talent in which they invest.

The Practice works across sectors

  • Plant & Animal Inputs, Grains & Oilseeds
  • Dairy, Meat & Alternative Proteins, Produce, and Beverages

Areas of dedicated functional expertise

  • Innovation and Technology
  • CEOs
  • Finance Officers
  • Supply Chain
  • Human Resources and Board Advisory and Search

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